Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Notes from the Playground by Peyton Lee

(Peyton has been keeping a journal of her thoughts each day. She tells Mama what to write. Her is an excerpt)

18 April
Dada shared his goldfish. Mama took us to the store with popcorn. How kind of her. Cinderella wants to say bye to you.

21 April
I didn't do anything. I rode bikes at school. At Disneyland we saw Handy Manny and he had trouvles and we had to look for him. We were looking for Pat and he had trovles too.

23 April
I had pan -a- cakes. We had Teddy Bear pickanick. To Grampy: You can come with me some other time but you can have a big boy seat. Kaitlin was hugging me but sometimes I don't want to be hugged.

2 May
I wanna watch a mobie but Dada said no.

5 May
Ummm . . . I don't know. I dont member who I played with. I played with Beverly.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Peyton Meets Princesses

We were so fortunate to be able to take the kids to Disneyland this past weekend. Joe was graduating from the VW training school, and it just so happens to be about 20 minutes from the Magic Kingdom! We happily cheered for Dada as he was recognized as a CERTIFIED VW mechanic! (He already has an interview in Santa Rosa next week!) We left the ceremony and headed out to meet the mouse. The best part of the day was when Peyton got to meet the Disney princesses. We stood in line for two hours, but it was all worth it when she saw the first princess. Here are a few shots. You'd have to know Peyton pretty well, but that look on her face is actually overwhelmed joy!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Build A Buddy

We were so fortunate to be able to go the Build-A-Bear workshop this weekend to celebrate our neighbor Nikki's 3rd birthday. Everyone had a wonderful time and we came home with two new friends! Bunny and Dinosaur. Peyton had a great time finding just the right accessories for Bunny and Reggie had fun -- crawling around the floor! Ah, well, what can you do.

Reggie and Dinosaur
Peyton and Bunny

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Toe-Taping Man

Every now and then -- you just gotta dance.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Can you spot the difference? When it comes time for breakfast, lunch or dinner, we can't.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Flu

Well, we experienced our first bout with the flu. Reggie came home from preschool on Thursday and promptly became sick. Peyton has never thrown up, so his being sick was really new to us. He was a poor pathetic man for about 24 hours or so. He is still not quite himself, but is starting to get better. He lost about 6 lbs, which is quite noticable when you only weigh 32lbs to begin with. We are endeavoring to fatten the man back up, but he is fairly resistant to the idea right now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Modest Representation

For everyone to see

And a Dada far away

Here's a little something

Mr. Reggie made at school today.

He played and he laughed, colored and drew

But he painted this picture just for you

A heart for his Daddy whom he loves soo much

He painted with his own fingers, and never a brush.

So as you gaze at this picture he's showing to you

Know it is just a symbol for how much he loves you!
