Friday, August 1, 2008

Cinderella's Magic Spell

We've recently fallen under the spell of Cinderella. Well, more specifically, Peyton has. We have the nightgown, the plastic heels, the dress, and of course the tiara. For Peyton's upcoming birthday (August 23rd) she's getting the beautiful blue ball gown that Cinderella was wearing when she met Prince Charming. I asked Peyton the other day who Cinderella was dancing with. I said, "Is it Prince Charming." Peyton replied, "Noo," as though I had made a ridiculous suggestion. "Then who is she dancing with?" I asked. "Her Daddy." Peyton said. How sweet! The magic spell of Cinderella is that beautiful little girls dance with their daddys -- which is just how Daddy likes it and hopes it will stay!

