Friday, September 26, 2008

Just for Sonia --Ok Danielle's Invited too!

This is a shout out to our good buddy Sonia! Wish you were here. I wouldv'e left a message on your page but I can't get there. Can you resend me an invite! Do I sound desperate!!! We miss you -- and can't finish all this cheesecake without you!


Martin 6 said...

What?! Cheesecake?! Without me?! Gasp! I will have to go back, I'll be right over! Invite on the way Jenny, hope you two had fun I am jealous!

Jenn said...

Hey-- I read your comment today, this is so crazy!! Your children are beautiful. Just to let you know we have more in common, My husbands family is from CA (L.A & Riverside, and Oakland) and his Dad is a pastor.. crazy huh. And my name is Jenn.. well nice to meet you...
