Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Joe's Accepted!!

We are thrilled that Joe was accepted into the Volkswagen training program. He will go to school for three more months and become a certified Volkswagen technichan. This is an elite program, and we are so proud of him. After he finishes school, he will work for Volkswagen for at least two years. Unfortunately, the training is in Southern California, so our family will be separated for part of that time. Pray for the little ones who love their Daddy so much!!!


Martin 6 said...

Yeah! Congrats Joe! Go Joe, Go Joe, go, go Go Joe!

Norman said...

Congrats Joe!!!

Jenny, don't worry. We'll pray for you and the kids while Joe is on training. We'll pray for Joe as well.

Ralph's Rib said...

Awesome! Yet somewhat bittersweet, too. Having been in your shoes I'll know just how to pray for you.
